Deep Dive into Transaction Isolation Levels in Java

Rishav Paul
22 min readFeb 10, 2025


In today’s highly concurrent systems — especially in critical domains like banking — ensuring data consistency is paramount. Transactions allow us to group a set of operations into a single, atomic unit of work that either fully succeeds or fails without leaving the system in an inconsistent state. In this blog post, we’ll take an in‑depth look at how transactions work, why they’re so important, and how you can implement them successfully in Java. We’ll walk through a comprehensive code base that demonstrates several transaction isolation levels — from Read Uncommitted to Serializable — and even explore advanced concepts like MVCC with range locks to prevent phantom reads.

Who is this article for?

This article is intended for Java developers interested in applying their knowledge of transactions into a real world application. It goes into explaining concepts briefly, but mostly expects readers to use their IDEs to run this app (Github Link) and learn by doing.

Introduction to Transactions

Transactions are a fundamental concept in databases and concurrent systems. They allow multiple operations to be executed in a way that ensures:

  • Atomicity: All operations within a transaction complete successfully, or none of them do.
  • Consistency: Transactions transition the system from one valid state to another.
  • Isolation: Concurrent transactions do not interfere with one another.
  • Durability: Once a transaction is committed, its changes are permanent.

These properties — collectively known as ACID — are essential in banking applications, where even a minor inconsistency can lead to significant financial errors.

The Banking App Architecture

Let’s start by exploring the foundation of our banking application. The code base is modular and uses Java’s concurrency primitives to simulate different transaction isolation levels. We’ll walk through the main components step by step.

The Bank Interface

At the heart of our application is the Bank interface. This interface defines the contract for our banking system, including the operations that each transaction must support.

/* ────────────────────────────────────────────── *
* ────────────────────────────────────────────── *
* Defines the contract for our banking system. *
* Each Bank implementation provides its own *
* Transaction inner class with isolation control. *
* Emojis & ASCII art added for fun! 🎉💰 *
* ────────────────────────────────────────────── */
interface Bank {
// Begin a new transaction.
Transaction beginTransaction();
// Create a new account with an initial balance.
void createAccount(String accountId, double initialBalance);
// For testing purposes: get the current account object.
Account getAccount(String accountId);
// Query accounts by minimum balance (for phantom-read demonstration).
List<String> getAccountsByBalance(double minBalance);

// Transaction interface – operations done inside a transaction.
interface Transaction {
void deposit(String accountId, double amount);
void withdraw(String accountId, double amount);
void transfer(String fromAccountId, String toAccountId, double amount);
double getBalance(String accountId);
List<String> getAccountsByBalance(double minBalance);
void commit();

This interface sets the stage for multiple implementations, each handling transactions with different isolation guarantees. It allows us to experiment with various strategies while keeping the overall contract consistent.

The Account Class

The Account class is a simple Plain Old Java Object (POJO) that represents a bank account. Each account stores a balance and a version number (helpful for implementing MVCC).

/* ────────────────────────────────────────────── *
* ────────────────────────────────────────────── *
* Simple POJO for an account. Each account holds *
* a balance and a version (to help with MVCC). *
* ────────────────────────────────────────────── */
class Account {
public String accountId;
public double balance;
public int version;

public Account(String accountId, double balance) {
this.accountId = accountId;
this.balance = balance;
this.version = 0;

By using a version field, we can detect conflicts between concurrent transactions — an essential part of ensuring consistency in our system.

The Abstract Bank Base

The AbstractBank class provides common functionality for all bank implementations. It manages account storage using a thread-safe ConcurrentHashMap. Each implementation of a bank will use a different transaction isolation level.

/* ────────────────────────────────────────────── *
* ────────────────────────────────────────────── *
* Provides common functionality for all bank types *
* (e.g. storing accounts in a thread-safe map). *
* ────────────────────────────────────────────── */
abstract class AbstractBank implements Bank {
protected final ConcurrentHashMap<String, Account> accounts = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();

public void createAccount(String accountId, double initialBalance) {
accounts.put(accountId, new Account(accountId, initialBalance));

public Account getAccount(String accountId) {
return accounts.get(accountId);

public List<String> getAccountsByBalance(double minBalance) {
List<String> result = new ArrayList<>();
for (Account acc : accounts.values()) {
if (acc.balance >= minBalance) {
return result;

This abstraction allows us to focus on the specifics of transaction isolation in each concrete implementation, while reusing shared components.

Transaction Isolation Levels

Isolation levels determine how transactions interact with each other when executed concurrently. Let’s walk through various implementations in our banking app.

Read Uncommitted (RU)

In the Read Uncommitted implementation, every change is applied immediately, even before a transaction commits. This can lead to dirty reads, where one transaction sees uncommitted changes from another.

/* ────────────────────────────────────────────── *
* ────────────────────────────────────────────── *
* In RU, every change is immediately applied – *
* there is no isolation. Dirty reads can occur! *
* (Not recommended for banks! ⚠️) *
* ────────────────────────────────────────────── */
class BankReadUncommitted extends AbstractBank {

public Transaction beginTransaction() {
return new TransactionRU();

class TransactionRU implements Bank.Transaction {
// No local buffering; every change is applied to the global state.
public void deposit(String accountId, double amount) {
Account acc = accounts.get(accountId);
if (acc != null) {
synchronized(acc) {
System.out.println("RU: Depositing " + amount + " to " + accountId +
" (before: " + acc.balance + ") 💸");
acc.balance += amount;
System.out.println("RU: New balance: " + acc.balance + " 🚀");

public void withdraw(String accountId, double amount) {
Account acc = accounts.get(accountId);
if (acc != null) {
synchronized(acc) {
System.out.println("RU: Withdrawing " + amount + " from " + accountId +
" (before: " + acc.balance + ") 💸");
acc.balance -= amount;
System.out.println("RU: New balance: " + acc.balance + " 🚀");

public void transfer(String fromAccountId, String toAccountId, double amount) {
// To avoid deadlocks in this simulation, lock in a consistent order.
if (fromAccountId.compareTo(toAccountId) < 0) {
withdraw(fromAccountId, amount);
deposit(toAccountId, amount);
} else {
deposit(toAccountId, amount);
withdraw(fromAccountId, amount);

public double getBalance(String accountId) {
Account acc = accounts.get(accountId);
if (acc != null) {
synchronized(acc) {
System.out.println("RU: Reading balance for " + accountId +
": " + acc.balance + " 👀");
return acc.balance;
return 0;

public List<String> getAccountsByBalance(double minBalance) {
List<String> result = new ArrayList<>();
for (Account acc : accounts.values()) {
synchronized(acc) {
if (acc.balance >= minBalance) {
System.out.println("RU: Accounts with balance >= " + minBalance +
": " + result + " 🔍");
return result;

public void commit() {
// In RU, changes are immediately visible.
System.out.println("RU: Commit called (no-op, changes are already visible) ✅");

While RU offers high performance, it sacrifices correctness — making it unsuitable for banking applications.

Read Committed (RC)

In Read Committed, write operations are buffered until the transaction commits. This ensures that only committed data is visible, but can result in non-repeatable reads.

/* ────────────────────────────────────────────── *
* ────────────────────────────────────────────── *
* In RC, write operations are buffered until *
* commit. Reads always see only committed data, but *
* non-repeatable reads may occur. *
* ────────────────────────────────────────────── */
class BankReadCommitted extends AbstractBank {

public Transaction beginTransaction() {
return new TransactionRC();

class TransactionRC implements Bank.Transaction {
// Local write buffer: accountId -> new balance.
private final HashMap<String, Double> writeBuffer = new HashMap<>();

public void deposit(String accountId, double amount) {
double current = getBalance(accountId);
double newBalance = current + amount;
writeBuffer.put(accountId, newBalance);
System.out.println("RC: Buffered deposit " + amount + " to " + accountId +
" => " + newBalance + " 💰");

public void withdraw(String accountId, double amount) {
double current = getBalance(accountId);
double newBalance = current - amount;
writeBuffer.put(accountId, newBalance);
System.out.println("RC: Buffered withdrawal " + amount + " from " + accountId +
" => " + newBalance + " 💸");

public void transfer(String fromAccountId, String toAccountId, double amount) {
withdraw(fromAccountId, amount);
deposit(toAccountId, amount);

public double getBalance(String accountId) {
if (writeBuffer.containsKey(accountId)) {
double bal = writeBuffer.get(accountId);
System.out.println("RC: Reading buffered balance for " + accountId +
": " + bal + " 👀");
return bal;
} else {
Account acc = accounts.get(accountId);
if (acc != null) {
synchronized(acc) {
System.out.println("RC: Reading committed balance for " + accountId +
": " + acc.balance + " 👀");
return acc.balance;
return 0;

public List<String> getAccountsByBalance(double minBalance) {
// For simplicity, read directly from the global committed state.
List<String> result = new ArrayList<>();
for (Account acc : accounts.values()) {
synchronized(acc) {
if (acc.balance >= minBalance) {
System.out.println("RC: Query accounts with balance >= " + minBalance +
": " + result + " 🔍");
return result;

public void commit() {
// Atomically apply the buffered changes.
for (Map.Entry<String, Double> entry : writeBuffer.entrySet()) {
Account acc = accounts.get(entry.getKey());
if (acc != null) {
synchronized(acc) {
System.out.println("RC: Committing " + entry.getKey() +
" new balance: " + entry.getValue() + " ✅");
acc.balance = entry.getValue();
System.out.println("RC: Transaction committed. ✅");

RC improves upon RU by ensuring that only committed data is read, but its lack of repeatability in reads can still lead to anomalies.

Repeatable Read (RR — MVCC)

The Repeatable Read implementation uses Multi-Version Concurrency Control (MVCC). Here, each transaction takes a snapshot of the global state at the beginning. Even if other transactions commit changes, the snapshot remains consistent — avoiding non-repeatable reads. However, phantom reads can still occur in range queries.

Most production MVCC systems don’t actually take a full physical copy of the entire database for each transaction. Instead, they use a logical snapshot mechanism where each data item (or row) maintains multiple versions. When a transaction starts, it simply records a timestamp or transaction ID; then, when reading data, it retrieves the version of each row that was committed before that timestamp. This approach avoids the overhead of copying all the data while still providing a consistent view for the transaction.

/* ────────────────────────────────────────────── *
* ────────────────────────────────────────────── *
* Here each transaction takes a snapshot of the *
* global state at start. Reads return snapshot data *
* even if other transactions commit concurrently. *
* Conflicts (based on version numbers) are checked *
* at commit time. This prevents non-repeatable reads, *
* though phantom anomalies may still occur in range *
* queries if the query scans the live data. *
* ────────────────────────────────────────────── */
class BankRepeatableRead extends AbstractBank {

public Transaction beginTransaction() {
return new TransactionRR();

// Simple snapshot representation.
class AccountSnapshot {
double balance;
int version;

AccountSnapshot(double balance, int version) {
this.balance = balance;
this.version = version;

class TransactionRR implements Bank.Transaction {
// Snapshot of accounts at transaction start.
private final HashMap<String, AccountSnapshot> snapshot = new HashMap<>();
// Local write buffer.
private final HashMap<String, Double> writeBuffer = new HashMap<>();

public TransactionRR() {
// Take a snapshot of every account.
for (Map.Entry<String, Account> entry : accounts.entrySet()) {
Account acc = entry.getValue();
synchronized(acc) {
snapshot.put(entry.getKey(), new AccountSnapshot(acc.balance, acc.version));
System.out.println("RR: Snapshot taken: " + snapshotInfo() + " 📸");

private String snapshotInfo() {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
for (Map.Entry<String, AccountSnapshot> e : snapshot.entrySet()) {
.append(e.getValue().balance).append(", v")
.append(e.getValue().version).append(") ");
return sb.toString();

public void deposit(String accountId, double amount) {
double current = getBalance(accountId);
double newBalance = current + amount;
writeBuffer.put(accountId, newBalance);
System.out.println("RR: Buffered deposit " + amount + " to " + accountId +
" => " + newBalance + " 💰");

public void withdraw(String accountId, double amount) {
double current = getBalance(accountId);
double newBalance = current - amount;
writeBuffer.put(accountId, newBalance);
System.out.println("RR: Buffered withdrawal " + amount + " from " + accountId +
" => " + newBalance + " 💸");

public void transfer(String fromAccountId, String toAccountId, double amount) {
withdraw(fromAccountId, amount);
deposit(toAccountId, amount);

public double getBalance(String accountId) {
if (writeBuffer.containsKey(accountId)) {
double bal = writeBuffer.get(accountId);
System.out.println("RR: Reading buffered balance for " + accountId +
": " + bal + " 👀");
return bal;
} else if (snapshot.containsKey(accountId)) {
double bal = snapshot.get(accountId).balance;
System.out.println("RR: Reading snapshot balance for " + accountId +
": " + bal + " 👀");
return bal;
} else {
System.out.println("RR: Account " + accountId + " not found in snapshot. 👻");
return 0;

public List<String> getAccountsByBalance(double minBalance) {
// Use the snapshot for a consistent query.
List<String> result = new ArrayList<>();
for (Map.Entry<String, AccountSnapshot> entry : snapshot.entrySet()) {
double bal = entry.getValue().balance;
// If there is a local update, use that.
if (writeBuffer.containsKey(entry.getKey())) {
bal = writeBuffer.get(entry.getKey());
if (bal >= minBalance) {
System.out.println("RR: Query snapshot accounts with balance >= " + minBalance +
": " + result + " 🔍");
return result;

* This method bypasses the snapshot and directly scans the live global state.
* It is used to simulate a phantom read scenario for range queries.
public List<String> getAccountsByBalancePhantom(double minBalance) {
List<String> result = new ArrayList<>();
for (Map.Entry<String, Account> entry : accounts.entrySet()) {
Account acc = entry.getValue();
synchronized(acc) {
// If a local update exists, use it.
double bal = writeBuffer.containsKey(entry.getKey())
? writeBuffer.get(entry.getKey())
: acc.balance;
if (bal >= minBalance) {
System.out.println("RR (Phantom Query): Accounts with balance >= " + minBalance +
": " + result + " 🔍");
return result;

public void commit() {
// Check for conflicts: if an account's version has changed since the snapshot.
for (String accountId : writeBuffer.keySet()) {
Account acc = accounts.get(accountId);
if (acc != null) {
synchronized(acc) {
AccountSnapshot snap = snapshot.get(accountId);
if (snap != null && acc.version != snap.version) {
System.out.println("RR: Conflict detected on account " + accountId +
"! (Snapshot v" + snap.version + ", current v" +
acc.version + ") 🚨");
System.out.println("RR: Transaction aborted due to conflict. ❌");
return; // In real systems, we would abort or retry.
// No conflicts? Apply the changes.
for (Map.Entry<String, Double> entry : writeBuffer.entrySet()) {
Account acc = accounts.get(entry.getKey());
if (acc != null) {
synchronized(acc) {
System.out.println("RR: Committing " + entry.getKey() +
" new balance: " + entry.getValue() + " ✅");
acc.balance = entry.getValue();
System.out.println("RR: Transaction committed successfully. ✅");

MVCC ensures repeatable reads for individual rows, but phantom reads — where a range query returns a different set of rows on subsequent executions — can still occur.

Serializable (SER)

For the strongest isolation, the Serializable implementation employs strict two-phase locking. Locks are acquired on first access and held until the transaction commits, completely eliminating anomalies — but at the cost of reduced concurrency.

/* ────────────────────────────────────────────── *
* ────────────────────────────────────────────── *
* This implementation uses strict two-phase locking. *
* Locks are acquired on first access and held until *
* commit. No anomalies occur, but concurrency is *
* reduced. (This is why banks prefer serializable.) *
* ────────────────────────────────────────────── */
class BankSerializable extends AbstractBank {
// Global lock map for each account.
private final ConcurrentHashMap<String, ReentrantLock> lockMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();

public BankSerializable() {
// Locks are created on demand.

private ReentrantLock getLock(String accountId) {
lockMap.putIfAbsent(accountId, new ReentrantLock());
return lockMap.get(accountId);

public Transaction beginTransaction() {
return new TransactionS();

class TransactionS implements Bank.Transaction {
// Keep track of acquired locks.
private final Set<String> acquiredLocks = new HashSet<>();

private void acquireLock(String accountId) {
if (!acquiredLocks.contains(accountId)) {
ReentrantLock lock = getLock(accountId);
System.out.println("SER: Acquired lock on " + accountId + " 🔒");

public void deposit(String accountId, double amount) {
Account acc = accounts.get(accountId);
if (acc != null) {
System.out.println("SER: Depositing " + amount + " to " + accountId +
" (before: " + acc.balance + ") 💰");
acc.balance += amount;
System.out.println("SER: New balance: " + acc.balance + " 🚀");

public void withdraw(String accountId, double amount) {
Account acc = accounts.get(accountId);
if (acc != null) {
System.out.println("SER: Withdrawing " + amount + " from " + accountId +
" (before: " + acc.balance + ") 💸");
acc.balance -= amount;
System.out.println("SER: New balance: " + acc.balance + " 🚀");

public void transfer(String fromAccountId, String toAccountId, double amount) {
// Acquire locks in a consistent order.
if (fromAccountId.compareTo(toAccountId) < 0) {
} else {
withdraw(fromAccountId, amount);
deposit(toAccountId, amount);

public double getBalance(String accountId) {
Account acc = accounts.get(accountId);
if (acc != null) {
System.out.println("SER: Reading balance for " + accountId +
": " + acc.balance + " 👀");
return acc.balance;
return 0;

public List<String> getAccountsByBalance(double minBalance) {
// For a consistent view, acquire locks on all accounts.
for (String accountId : accounts.keySet()) {
List<String> result = new ArrayList<>();
for (Account acc : accounts.values()) {
if (acc.balance >= minBalance) {
System.out.println("SER: Query accounts with balance >= " + minBalance +
": " + result + " 🔍");
return result;

public void commit() {
// Changes have been applied immediately. Now release all locks.
for (String accountId : acquiredLocks) {
ReentrantLock lock = getLock(accountId);
System.out.println("SER: Released lock on " + accountId + " 🔓");
System.out.println("SER: Transaction committed. ✅");

Serializable isolation is ideal for high-integrity systems like banking, ensuring that transactions behave as if executed one after the other.

MVCC with Range Locks (Serializable)

To address phantom reads while preserving the benefits of MVCC, we implement MVCC with Range Locks. This approach acquires locks on range queries to block concurrent inserts that could introduce phantom rows.

Before we see the transaction implementation, note the role of the RangeLockManager:

/* ────────────────────────────────────────────── *
* ────────────────────────────────────────────── *
* A simple lock manager to simulate range locking. *
* When a transaction executes a range query, it *
* acquires a lock on that query condition (e.g., *
* "balance >= 800"). This prevents concurrent inserts *
* from adding new rows that qualify for the range. *
* ────────────────────────────────────────────── */
class RangeLockManager {
private final ConcurrentHashMap<String, ReentrantLock> rangeLocks = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();

public void acquireRangeLock(String rangeKey) {
rangeLocks.putIfAbsent(rangeKey, new ReentrantLock());
ReentrantLock lock = rangeLocks.get(rangeKey);
System.out.println("🔒 [RangeLockManager] Acquiring range lock for condition \"" + rangeKey + "\"");
System.out.println("🔒 [RangeLockManager] Acquired range lock for condition \"" + rangeKey + "\"");

public void releaseRangeLock(String rangeKey) {
ReentrantLock lock = rangeLocks.get(rangeKey);
if (lock != null && lock.isHeldByCurrentThread()) {
System.out.println("🔓 [RangeLockManager] Released range lock for condition \"" + rangeKey + "\"");

* For new account insertion, if there is any active range lock whose condition
* the new account qualifies for, block until that lock is released.
public void waitForRangeLocksForInsert(double balance) {
for (Map.Entry<String, ReentrantLock> entry : rangeLocks.entrySet()) {
String key = entry.getKey(); // e.g., ">=800.0"
if (key.startsWith(">=")) {
double threshold = Double.parseDouble(key.substring(2));
if (balance >= threshold) {
System.out.println("⏳ [RangeLockManager] New account with balance " + balance +
" qualifies for range lock \"" + key + "\". Waiting...");
ReentrantLock lock = entry.getValue();
// This call will block if the lock is held by a transaction.
System.out.println("✅ [RangeLockManager] New account proceeding after waiting on lock \"" + key + "\"");

The BankMVCCSerializable class leverages this manager to block phantom inserts:

/* ──────────────────────────────────────────────── *
* ──────────────────────────────────────────────── *
* This implementation uses MVCC with a snapshot and *
* additionally acquires range locks on queries to *
* prevent phantom reads. New inserts that would add *
* phantom rows are blocked until the transaction *
* completes. This is why banks prefer Serializable *
* isolation. 🚀 *
* ────────────────────────────────────────────── */
class BankMVCCSerializable extends AbstractBank {
private final RangeLockManager rangeLockManager = new RangeLockManager();

// Override createAccount to wait for any conflicting range locks.
public void createAccount(String accountId, double initialBalance) {
// Before creating an account, wait if any active range locks apply.
super.createAccount(accountId, initialBalance);
System.out.println("MVCC-SER: Created account " + accountId + " with balance " + initialBalance + " ✅");

public Transaction beginTransaction() {
return new TransactionMVCCSerializable();

// A simple snapshot representation for MVCC.
class AccountSnapshot {
double balance;
int version;

AccountSnapshot(double balance, int version) {
this.balance = balance;
this.version = version;

class TransactionMVCCSerializable implements Bank.Transaction {
// Take a snapshot of accounts at the transaction’s start.
private final HashMap<String, AccountSnapshot> snapshot = new HashMap<>();
// Local write buffer for uncommitted changes.
private final HashMap<String, Double> writeBuffer = new HashMap<>();
// Keep track of acquired range locks (by their condition key).
private final Set<String> acquiredRangeLocks = new HashSet<>();

public TransactionMVCCSerializable() {
for (Map.Entry<String, Account> entry : accounts.entrySet()) {
Account acc = entry.getValue();
synchronized(acc) {
snapshot.put(entry.getKey(), new AccountSnapshot(acc.balance, acc.version));
System.out.println("MVCC-SER: Snapshot taken: " + snapshotInfo() + " 📸");

private String snapshotInfo() {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
for (Map.Entry<String, AccountSnapshot> e : snapshot.entrySet()) {
.append(e.getValue().balance).append(", v")
.append(e.getValue().version).append(") ");
return sb.toString();

public void deposit(String accountId, double amount) {
double current = getBalance(accountId);
double newBalance = current + amount;
writeBuffer.put(accountId, newBalance);
System.out.println("MVCC-SER: Buffered deposit " + amount + " to " + accountId +
" => " + newBalance + " 💰");

public void withdraw(String accountId, double amount) {
double current = getBalance(accountId);
double newBalance = current - amount;
writeBuffer.put(accountId, newBalance);
System.out.println("MVCC-SER: Buffered withdrawal " + amount + " from " + accountId +
" => " + newBalance + " 💸");

public void transfer(String fromAccountId, String toAccountId, double amount) {
withdraw(fromAccountId, amount);
deposit(toAccountId, amount);

public double getBalance(String accountId) {
if (writeBuffer.containsKey(accountId)) {
double bal = writeBuffer.get(accountId);
System.out.println("MVCC-SER: Reading buffered balance for " + accountId +
": " + bal + " 👀");
return bal;
} else if (snapshot.containsKey(accountId)) {
double bal = snapshot.get(accountId).balance;
System.out.println("MVCC-SER: Reading snapshot balance for " + accountId +
": " + bal + " 👀");
return bal;
} else {
System.out.println("MVCC-SER: Account " + accountId + " not found in snapshot. 👻");
return 0;

public List<String> getAccountsByBalance(double minBalance) {
// Acquire a range lock for this query to prevent phantom inserts.
String rangeKey = ">=" + minBalance;
if (!acquiredRangeLocks.contains(rangeKey)) {
// Use the snapshot for a consistent query.
List<String> result = new ArrayList<>();
for (Map.Entry<String, AccountSnapshot> entry : snapshot.entrySet()) {
double bal = entry.getValue().balance;
// If a local update exists, use it.
if (writeBuffer.containsKey(entry.getKey())) {
bal = writeBuffer.get(entry.getKey());
if (bal >= minBalance) {
System.out.println("MVCC-SER: Range query (balance >= " + minBalance +
") result: " + result + " 🔍");
return result;

public void commit() {
// Conflict detection: ensure that no account's version has changed.
for (String accountId : writeBuffer.keySet()) {
Account acc = accounts.get(accountId);
if (acc != null) {
synchronized(acc) {
AccountSnapshot snap = snapshot.get(accountId);
if (snap != null && acc.version != snap.version) {
System.out.println("MVCC-SER: Conflict detected on account " + accountId +
"! (Snapshot v" + snap.version + ", current v" +
acc.version + ") 🚨");
System.out.println("MVCC-SER: Transaction aborted due to conflict. ❌");
return; // In a real system, we would abort or retry.
// Apply the buffered changes.
for (Map.Entry<String, Double> entry : writeBuffer.entrySet()) {
Account acc = accounts.get(entry.getKey());
if (acc != null) {
synchronized(acc) {
System.out.println("MVCC-SER: Committing " + entry.getKey() +
" new balance: " + entry.getValue() + " ✅");
acc.balance = entry.getValue();
// Release all acquired range locks.
for (String rangeKey : acquiredRangeLocks) {
System.out.println("MVCC-SER: Transaction committed successfully. ✅");

This design prevents phantom reads by ensuring that any new account insertion that meets the active range query condition must wait until the transaction completes.

Running our banks

The Read Uncommitted (RU) Bank

// ──────────── TEST: READ UNCOMMITTED ─────────────
private static void testReadUncommitted() {
System.out.println("\n========== Testing Read Uncommitted ==========");
final BankReadUncommitted bank = new BankReadUncommitted();
bank.createAccount("A", 1000.0);

// Transaction T1: Withdraw from account A but delay commit to simulate an "in-progress" update.
Thread t1 = new Thread(() -> {
Bank.Transaction tx = bank.beginTransaction();
tx.withdraw("A", 100.0);
try {
System.out.println("T1: Processing... (simulating delay) ⏳");
Thread.sleep(2000); // Simulate long processing (dirty update still visible)
} catch (InterruptedException e) {}
System.out.println("T1: Committed. ✅");

// Transaction T2: Read the balance while T1 is still “in-flight.”
Thread t2 = new Thread(() -> {
try {
Thread.sleep(500); // Ensure T1 has already done the withdrawal
} catch (InterruptedException e) {}
Bank.Transaction tx = bank.beginTransaction();
double balance = tx.getBalance("A");
System.out.println("T2: Read balance: " + balance +
" (reflects dirty update in RU) 🚨");

try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {}


========== Testing Read Uncommitted ==========
RU: Withdrawing 100.0 from A (before: 1000.0) 💸
RU: New balance: 900.0 🚀
T1: Processing… (simulating delay) ⏳
RU: Reading balance for A: 900.0 👀
T2: Read balance: 900.0 (reflects dirty update in RU) 🚨
RU: Commit called (no-op, changes are already visible) ✅
RU: Commit called (no-op, changes are already visible) ✅
T1: Committed. ✅

The Read Committed (RC) Bank

// ──────────── TEST: READ COMMITTED ─────────────
private static void testReadCommitted() {
System.out.println("\n========== Testing Read Committed ==========");
final BankReadCommitted bank = new BankReadCommitted();
bank.createAccount("B", 1000.0);

// Transaction T1: Reads the balance twice with a delay.
Thread t1 = new Thread(() -> {
Bank.Transaction tx = bank.beginTransaction();
double firstRead = tx.getBalance("B");
System.out.println("T1: First read balance: " + firstRead + " 👀");
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {}
double secondRead = tx.getBalance("B");
System.out.println("T1: Second read balance: " + secondRead +
" (non-repeatable read in RC) 🚨");

// Transaction T2: Deposits money in between T1's reads.
Thread t2 = new Thread(() -> {
try {
Thread.sleep(700); // Ensure T1's first read occurs first.
} catch (InterruptedException e) {}
Bank.Transaction tx = bank.beginTransaction();
tx.deposit("B", 200.0);
System.out.println("T2: Deposited 200 and committed. ✅");

try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {}


========== Testing Read Committed ==========
RC: Reading committed balance for B: 1000.0 👀
T1: First read balance: 1000.0 👀
RC: Reading committed balance for B: 1000.0 👀
RC: Buffered deposit 200.0 to B => 1200.0 💰
RC: Committing B new balance: 1200.0 ✅
RC: Transaction committed. ✅
T2: Deposited 200 and committed. ✅
RC: Reading committed balance for B: 1200.0 👀
T1: Second read balance: 1200.0 (non-repeatable read in RC) 🚨
RC: Transaction committed. ✅

The Repeatable Read (RR — MVCC) Bank

// ──────────── TEST: REPEATABLE READ (MVCC) & PHANTOM READ SCENARIO ─────────────
private static void testRepeatableRead() {
System.out.println("\n========== Testing Repeatable Read (MVCC) ==========");
final BankRepeatableRead bank = new BankRepeatableRead();
// Create initial accounts.
bank.createAccount("C", 1000.0);
bank.createAccount("D", 700.0); // Does not qualify for phantom query if threshold is 800.

// Part 1: Repeatable read for a single account.
Thread t1 = new Thread(() -> {
Bank.Transaction tx = bank.beginTransaction();
double firstRead = tx.getBalance("C");
System.out.println("T1: First read balance for account C: " + firstRead + " 👀");
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {}
double secondRead = tx.getBalance("C");
System.out.println("T1: Second read balance for account C: " + secondRead +
" (remains the same in RR) ✅");

// Part 2: Phantom read scenario using range query.
Thread t2 = new Thread(() -> {
// Cast the transaction to TransactionRR to access the phantom query method.
Bank.Transaction tx = bank.beginTransaction();
BankRepeatableRead.TransactionRR txRR = (BankRepeatableRead.TransactionRR) tx;
// First range query using the phantom method (scans live data).
List<String> initialQuery = txRR.getAccountsByBalancePhantom(800);
System.out.println("T2: Initial phantom range query result: " + initialQuery + " 👀");
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {}
// Second range query – if a new qualifying account is added, it will appear now.
List<String> secondQuery = txRR.getAccountsByBalancePhantom(800);
System.out.println("T2: Second phantom range query result: " + secondQuery +
" (phantom read anomaly if different) 🚨");

// Part 3: In between T2's two queries, a new account is created that qualifies for the range.
Thread t3 = new Thread(() -> {
try {
Thread.sleep(700); // Ensure T2's first query happens.
} catch (InterruptedException e) {}
bank.createAccount("E", 900.0);
System.out.println("T3: Created account E with balance 900.0 ✅");


try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {}


========== Testing Repeatable Read (MVCC) ==========
RR: Snapshot taken: C->(1000.0, v0) D->(700.0, v0) 📸
RR: Snapshot taken: C->(1000.0, v0) D->(700.0, v0) 📸
RR: Reading snapshot balance for C: 1000.0 👀
T1: First read balance for account C: 1000.0 👀
RR (Phantom Query): Accounts with balance >= 800.0: [C] 🔍
T2: Initial phantom range query result: [C] 👀
T3: Created account E with balance 900.0 ✅
RR: Reading snapshot balance for C: 1000.0 👀
RR (Phantom Query): Accounts with balance >= 800.0: [C, E] 🔍
T1: Second read balance for account C: 1000.0 (remains the same in RR) ✅
T2: Second phantom range query result: [C, E] (phantom read anomaly if different) 🚨
RR: Transaction committed successfully. ✅
RR: Transaction committed successfully. ✅

The Serializable (SER) Bank

// ──────────── TEST: SERIALIZABLE ─────────────
private static void testSerializable() {
System.out.println("\n========== Testing Serializable ==========");
final BankSerializable bank = new BankSerializable();
bank.createAccount("D", 1000.0);
bank.createAccount("E", 500.0);

// Transaction T1: Transfers 200 from account D to account E.
Thread t1 = new Thread(() -> {
Bank.Transaction tx = bank.beginTransaction();
tx.transfer("D", "E", 200.0);
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {}
System.out.println("T1: Transferred 200 from D to E and committed. ✅");

// Transaction T2: Reads the balances concurrently.
Thread t2 = new Thread(() -> {
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {}
Bank.Transaction tx = bank.beginTransaction();
double balanceD = tx.getBalance("D");
double balanceE = tx.getBalance("E");
System.out.println("T2: Read balances - D: " + balanceD +
", E: " + balanceE + " (SER guarantees consistency) 🔍");

try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {}


========== Testing Serializable ==========
SER: Acquired lock on D 🔒
SER: Acquired lock on E 🔒
SER: Withdrawing 200.0 from D (before: 1000.0) 💸
SER: New balance: 800.0 🚀
SER: Depositing 200.0 to E (before: 500.0) 💰
SER: New balance: 700.0 🚀
SER: Acquired lock on D 🔒
SER: Released lock on D 🔓
SER: Reading balance for D: 800.0 👀
SER: Acquired lock on E 🔒
SER: Reading balance for E: 700.0 👀
SER: Released lock on E 🔓
SER: Transaction committed. ✅
T1: Transferred 200 from D to E and committed. ✅
T2: Read balances — D: 800.0, E: 700.0 (SER guarantees consistency) 🔍
SER: Released lock on D 🔓
SER: Released lock on E 🔓
SER: Transaction committed. ✅

The MVCC with Range Locks Bank

private static void testMVCCSerializable() {
System.out.println("\n========== Testing MVCC with Range Locks (Serializable) ==========");
final BankMVCCSerializable bank = new BankMVCCSerializable();

// Create initial accounts.
bank.createAccount("C", 1000.0);
bank.createAccount("D", 700.0); // Does not qualify for a query with threshold 800.

// Part 1: A transaction reading account C (for completeness).
Thread t1 = new Thread(() -> {
Bank.Transaction tx = bank.beginTransaction();
double firstRead = tx.getBalance("C");
System.out.println("T1: First read balance for account C: " + firstRead + " 👀");
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {}
double secondRead = tx.getBalance("C");
System.out.println("T1: Second read balance for account C: " + secondRead +
" (remains consistent in MVCC-SER) ✅");

// Part 2: Transaction T2 performs a range query for accounts with balance >= 800.
// With range locking, this query will block phantom inserts.
Thread t2 = new Thread(() -> {
Bank.Transaction tx = bank.beginTransaction();
// T2 acquires a range lock for "balance >= 800" when executing the query.
List<String> initialQuery = tx.getAccountsByBalance(800);
System.out.println("T2: Initial range query result: " + initialQuery + " 👀");
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {}
// T2 executes the same range query a second time.
List<String> secondQuery = tx.getAccountsByBalance(800);
System.out.println("T2: Second range query result: " + secondQuery +
" (should be identical, no phantoms!) 🎉");

// Part 3: Meanwhile, Transaction T3 (or a thread) tries to create a new account that qualifies.
// Because T2 holds a range lock for ">=800", T3’s creation will block until T2 commits.
Thread t3 = new Thread(() -> {
try {
Thread.sleep(700); // Ensure T2’s query happens first.
} catch (InterruptedException e) {}
bank.createAccount("E", 900.0);
System.out.println("T3: Created account E with balance 900.0 ✅");


try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {}


========== Testing MVCC with Range Locks (Serializable) ==========
MVCC-SER: Created account C with balance 1000.0 ✅
MVCC-SER: Created account D with balance 700.0 ✅
MVCC-SER: Snapshot taken: C->(1000.0, v0) D->(700.0, v0) 📸
MVCC-SER: Snapshot taken: C->(1000.0, v0) D->(700.0, v0) 📸
MVCC-SER: Reading snapshot balance for C: 1000.0 👀
T1: First read balance for account C: 1000.0 👀
🔒 [RangeLockManager] Acquiring range lock for condition “>=800.0”
🔒 [RangeLockManager] Acquired range lock for condition “>=800.0”
MVCC-SER: Range query (balance >= 800.0) result: [C] 🔍
T2: Initial range query result: [C] 👀
⏳ [RangeLockManager] New account with balance 900.0 qualifies for range lock “>=800.0”. Waiting…
MVCC-SER: Reading snapshot balance for C: 1000.0 👀
MVCC-SER: Range query (balance >= 800.0) result: [C] 🔍
T2: Second range query result: [C] (should be identical, no phantoms!) 🎉
T1: Second read balance for account C: 1000.0 (remains consistent in MVCC-SER) ✅
MVCC-SER: Transaction committed successfully. ✅
🔓 [RangeLockManager] Released range lock for condition “>=800.0”
MVCC-SER: Transaction committed successfully. ✅
✅ [RangeLockManager] New account proceeding after waiting on lock “>=800.0”
MVCC-SER: Created account E with balance 900.0 ✅
T3: Created account E with balance 900.0 ✅

To Conclude

Transactions are essential building blocks in computing systems that ensure a group of operations execute atomically, maintaining data integrity by guaranteeing that either all changes are applied or none are, while managing concurrent access through varying levels of isolation such as Read Uncommitted, Read Committed, Repeatable Read (MVCC), and Serializable. Experimenting with and building these implementations is crucial for learning because hands-on exploration allows one to observe firsthand the trade-offs between performance and consistency, understand the nuances of concurrency control, and gain a deeper insight into how robust systems, like those in banking, preserve data integrity under concurrent operations.

Happy coding! 🚀💰

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Rishav Paul
Rishav Paul

Written by Rishav Paul

Senior Software Engineer, Washington, USA

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